Monday, August 23, 2010

Hawaii Five-0 - CBS

This is not your father's Five-0!

As a kid growing up in Hawaii and loving every episode of the original Hawaii Five-0, I was either going to love or hate the new model. How could you ever improve on the theme music, McGarrett's black Lincoln, and great cop action?

Well, CBS has done it, I love the new Five-0! This version is a modern prequel to the old classic. We learn how McGarrett first becomes a cop, how he meets Dano, and we love their strained relationship. The new Five-0 also includes Chin Ho (Jin, straight off the set of 'Lost') and a young woman.

Five-0 remembers that it is set in Hawaii and includes just enough bikinis, surfing, and abs to quench the tropical thirst. Lots of action, lots of shooting, and oh ya, the new McGarrett knows martial arts.

CBS has another new hit on their hands. If you're scheduling new shows to watch, or setting the DVR, Book 'em Dano!


  1. I loved Five-0. I'm already bummed I missed the pilot. Can't wait for this one...bikinis, palm trees, murder, more bikinis, sunsets, mayhem, did I mention the bikinis. na na na naa naaaa naaa, na na na naaa naaaaa. (come know the Five-O theme)

  2. I love being right! The Five-0 premiere won it's time slot last night.

  3. Five-0 is the #1 new show of the year.
