Friday, August 27, 2010

Detroit 1-8-7 - ABC

Dark Cop Drama.

Detroit has one of the highest homicide rates in the country. Detroit 1-8-7 is ABC's new copy show about this city's homicide unit.

Much of 1-8-7 is shot at night, thus dark on purpose. But the weird thing is that even the daytime and indoor shots are dark. Maybe it's just the screener I viewed, maybe I'm going blind, all I know is that the visuals of this show are so dark that it's really hard to watch. And the plot isn't any brighter.

ABC has gone crazy this season with artsy-fartsy camera work. Detroit features lots of hand-held, occasional time-lapse, rough focus, etc. I have a novel idea, how about just coming up with a strong story line instead.

And the ending? I won't give it away. Let's just say that's it's a surprise, and completely fits 1-8-7, dark and sad.

Detroit 1-8-7 is highly anticipated, but falls flat. Will it make it through the season without being canceled? Simply depends on the competition and if ABC has anything to replace it. My guess is it will limp along then not be renewed.

1 comment:

  1. Detroit posted very disappointing ratings in it's debut losing nearly 70% of lead-in Dancing With The Stars' audience. An even worse sign is the fact that it lost audience from the first half hour to the second; viewers did not like what they were seeing.

    Tough year for ABC's new shows.
